Investment Portfolios

At Intercam, we put your money to work for your goals

Our investment portfolios are designed by the Intercam Investment Committee, with an eye to maximizing portfolio returns through careful selection and tracking of the best instruments on the market.

Who are the prospects or Clients of Intercam Portfolios?

Individuals or corporations (whether existing or prospective clients) who want their money managed under a long-term equity investment goal.

What is the minimum required amount of investment capital?

Investments starting at P$1,000,000.00.  Long-term equity investment.

Intercam Portfolios


  • Institutional Investment Recommendations: What the Brokerage Firm is doing. Where to invest?
  • Competitive returns
  • Preferred Client Treatment.
  • Brokerage commissions are the lowest in the market.
  • In purchasing or selling government, corporate or bank paper, cost is at market price.
  • Access markets and instruments that you might otherwise difficult to invest in (corporate debt, bonds)
  • Trading is 100% the responsibility of the Asset Management area.

Investment Services Guide

The data, opinions, estimates and projections contained in this document have been prepared by Intercam Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V. in order to provide clients with general information on their investments. Therefore, this document does not constitute an offering, suggestion or invitation to buy or sell any financial instrument or to make or cancel investments, nor should it serve as the basis for any contract, commitment or decision of any kind. Nevertheless, Intercam Casa de Bolsa, S.A. de C.V.  has taken reasonable care to avoid the inclusion of false or misleading information.  The opinions and other data contained in this document may be modified according to economic, political and social conditions, and may therefore change without prior notice. Neither Intercam Casa de Bolsa nor any of its directors or employees will be held liable for any direct loss that arises from the use of this document. Investors should be aware that past returns on securities or instruments do not guarantee future results.instruments notguarantee future results.
