Intercam Helps

Thanks for your generosity, people are receiving their food, along with a star that includes encouragement messages from Intercam employees. 

The funds we raise will be used to donate 480 meals more to IMSS (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social) hospital´s staff who are battling COVID-19.

Support the doctors and make your donation** at any of our branches or by using Online Banking, Mobile Banking or Telephone Banking***.

For every peso you give, Intercam will match your donation*.

Account holder: Intercam Banco

Account no. 001 333 333 330

CLABE: 136 1800 1333 3333 306

Description, Reference or Concept: covid

*Limited to $720,000 MXN Pesos. **If you need a tax deductible receipt send an email to, minimum donation amount applicable for a tax deductible receipt
$10,000 MXN Pesos. ***Online Banking account registration necessary.
