At Intercam, we have a highly qualified team of seasoned specialists eager to give you professional and expert advice on your Trade Finance transactions. Speak to one today and discover the benefits of our personalized service.
Means of Payment and Guarantees
- Domestic Letters of Credit
- Import Letters of Credit
- Letters of Guarantee (Standby Letters of Credit or Demand Guarantees)
- Letters of Credit under the Total Provision of Funds Scheme (Letters of Credit Collateralization)
- Export Letters of Credit
- Intercam Credit Guaranteed by the Export– Import Bank of the United States (Ex–Im Bank)
- Intercam Credit Guaranteed by Export Development Canada (EDC)
- Intercam Credit Guaranteed by Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S.N.C. (Bancomext)
- Intercam Credit Guaranteed by Nacional Financiera (NAFIN)
- Import and Domestic Letters of Credit Refinancing