Productive Chains

NAFIN Productive Chains

At Intercam, we know that benefits are always linked, and we are aware of how important it is for your company to offer liquidity to your suppliers.  That’s why we have a financing program available based on payment of digital invoices (Digital Invoicing), so your suppliers can receive payment of their documents in advance, using the system introduced by Nacional Financiera (NAFIN) through document discounts.

Some benefits

  • One of the most attractive features of this product is that it can stimulate cash flow, giving your suppliers immediate liquidity with advance payment of your accounts with them.
  • Reliable outsourcing of accounts payable with your suppliers.
  • A team of professionals available to both your company and your suppliers.
  • You can at any time extend the payment term to your suppliers by lengthening your cash cycle; while the supplier can obtain immediate liquidity whenever it decides.
  • Financing costs are covered by the supplier, so the system does not increase your company’s financial costs.

Main product features

  • Discounts are in pesos.
  • Intercam extends a line of credit in the form of factoring for suppliers to your company (defined by NAFIN as a “top-tier company” or EPO), so that your suppliers can discount their accounts receivable.
  • The discount is conducted through NAFIN’s website, where the EPO selects the suppliers and invoices to discount. Suppliers, on their side, enter the system and locate the invoices that have been identified for discount.
  • Interest is charged to the supplier when the document is discounted.
  • The EPO can choose financing for up to 180 days.
  • When the invoices come due, the EPO pays Intercam 100% of the discounts performed.

Don’t wait--make your company’s production and competitiveness a “great chain” in which everyone wins.
