Working Capital Loans

Because we know your company’s can’t stop growing, Intercam offers a type of credit aimed at financing short- and medium-term working capital needs, so you can keep up with essential expenses like payroll, input purchases, taxes, and other items.
- Immediate liquidity, when you need it
- Support for your company’s cash flow
- Specialized advice from our executives
- Take advantage of better prices on raw materials
- Discounts or rebates from your suppliers for cash payment
- Flexible payment scheme to suit your needs.
- Cover immediate needs to continue your production cycle.
- Financing for operating costs
- Borrowers build experience for acquiring new loans
- Various alternatives available depending on how the financing will be used.
- Improved competitive position for the company
Main product features
- Credit lines at 1 to 3 years.
- Maximum terms of up to 180 to draw on credit
- Multiple withdrawals against the line without exceeding the authorized amount
- Easy prepayment of amounts drawn.
- Credit lines in pesos or US dollars.
To be eligible for a loan, you need to have any one of the following types of collateral:
- Cash
- Inventories
- Machinery and equipment
- Standby letter of credit
- Real estate
- Trust or escrow