
+ Pagaré, A note with interest payable at maturity, issued by Intercam Bank offers guaranteed returns at a specified period in local currency.

Target Market



Competitiveness to be an investment operated with a preferential rate.

– Certainty, since the beginning of the operation the Customer will know the exact amount of performance, because the investment rate is fixed at maturity.

– Versatility because it has automatic renewal of principal and interest for the same term.

– GIPAB´s coverage for up to forty thousand UDIS

– This product does not generate commissions.

Means of disposal

Online banking.

– Telephone banking.

– Any checking account with Intercam Banco.

Features and Requirements

Minimum investment amount for PRLV in pesos $ 5,000.00 MN.

– The expiration date in advance is not allowed.

– It has option to automatic renewal or partial or full withdrawals.

– On the due date, you will receive the initial capital plus interest on the investment.


In case of theft or loss of a check, report it immediately to your executive, who will tell you the procedure
to follow for the cancellation of the same.

– When typing your PIN in ATMs, prevent other people from seeing it, covering the keyboard with hands and body.

– When making payments in public establishments, do not lose sight of your card and verify that the card you are given is yours.


Tasa bruta 7.25%, GAT NÓMINAL 7.38% y GAT REAL 3.45%, antes de impuestos, calculado sobre un rango de inversión de $100,000.00 pesos a un plazo de 185 días. Calculado al 02 de agosto de 2018, vigencia al 31 de Diciembre de 2018, para fines informativos y de comparación. Aplican restricciones. Las tasas pueden sufrir cambios al momento de la contratación, La GAT Real es el rendimiento que obtendría después de descontar la inflación estimada. Consulte la vigencia de la oferta, requisitos e información sobre la contratación o características de los productos en

PRLV para Personas Físicas + Pagaré

Monto Inferior Monto Superior 28 Días 91 Días 180 Días
$1.00 $4,999.00 N/A N/A N/A
$5,000.00 $9,999.00 4.40% 5.15% 6.05%
$10,000.00 $99,999.99 4.40% 5.15% 6.05%
$100,000.00 $499,999.99 5.90% 7.10% 7.15%
$500,000.00 $999,999.99 5.90% 7.10% 7.15%
$1,000,000.00 En adelante 6.25% 7.10% 7.15%

GAT Nominal antes de impuestos

Monto Inferior Monto Superior 28 Días 91 Días 180 Días
$1.00 $4,999.00 N/A N/A N/A
$5,000.00 $9,999.00 4.49% 5.25% 6.09%
$10,000.00 $99,999.99 4.49% 5.25% 6.09%
$100,000.00 $499,999.99 6.06% 7.29% 7.28%
$500,000.00 $999,999.99 6.06% 7.29% 7.28%
$1,000,000.00 En adelante 6.43% 7.29% 7.28%

GAT Real antes de impuestos

Monto Inferior Monto Superior 28 Días 91 Días 180 Días
$1.00 $4,999.00 N/A N/A N/A
$5,000.00 $9,999.00 0.67% 1.40% 2.21%
$10,000.00 $99,999.99 0.67% 1.40% 2.21%
$100,000.00 $499,999.99 2.18% 3.36% 3.35%
$500,000.00 $999,999.99 2.18% 3.36% 3.35%
$1,000,000.00 En adelante 2.54% 3.36% 3.35%

GAT Real es el rendimiento que obtendrás después de descontar la inflación estimada

Vive los beneficios de +Pagaré mientras tu dinero sigue creciendo.
