Legal Information

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    Board of Directors Financial Group Intercam.

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    Securities Brokerage Contract.

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    Modifying Agreement of the Securities Brokerage Contract.

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    Application-contract for individuals

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    Application-contract for business

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    Securities Brokerage Contract Legislation.

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    Securities Market Act.

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    Mutual Funds Act.

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    General Law on Credit Instruments and Transactions

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    Law on The Protection and Defence of Financial Service Users.

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    Monetary Law of the United Mexican States.

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    Rules governing credit institutions, brokerage firms mutual funds, specialized retirement funds and

    rural financing firms that transact repurchanse agreements.

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    Corporate Charter Intercam Banco.

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    Standard-Form Bank Agreement

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    Standard-Form Agreement legislation.

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    Legal Information Intercam Grupo Financiero

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    Estatutos Grupo Financiero

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    Convenio Único de Responsabilidades

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    Summary of Resolutions General Assembly Shareholders Intercam Grupo Financiero 2017

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    Multiple Banking Services and Products Agreement

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    Foreign Currency Transactions Contract

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    Point of Sale Terminal – Affiliation Contract

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    Cancellation of Direct Debit Form

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    Contrato Cuenta Básica de Nómina

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    Contrato Cuenta Básica

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    Contrato Servicio Empresarial FX

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    Contrato Único de Banco
